
Through applying the 4W and 5P models to the organization, it is possible to draw conclusions about the main question. This main question is: “Will the red lobster concept work within The Netherlands?”

The combination of afore mentioned models give the following conclusion:*

Product: The main product of The Red Lobster is seafood. The product is presented in a casual dining surrounding. To guarantee fresh food day after day, the menu is changing along with the availability of seafood. Which means that for example one week the main dish on the menu can be lobster, and shrimp the next week.

Price: To expand the target group as much as possible, The Red Lobster sells their products at a affordable rate. With their casual dinging concept and informal way of serving guests, it is possible to keep prices low.

Promotion: The Red Lobster tries to reach their target group through advertisement on TV, Radio, Billboards and in the newspapers.

People: There are two different types of people that can be defined. The staff and the target group. The organization tries to work with a team which is very diverse. To ensure this diversity, the founder of The Red Lobster, Bill Darden, created a diversity policy.
The target group of the organization is mostly families and couples of all ages, which they try to attract with friendly service in a casual environment.

Place: The Red Lobster can be found through the whole of the USA, Canada and Japan. Most restaurants are located at the coast to ensure fresh food of a high quality.

With help of these models it is possible to conclude that the concept of The Red Lobster will not work within The Netherlands. There are three main reasons for this conclusion.

The first reason is that The Netherlands is too small for a concern as The Red Lobster to open a location, or multiple locations. This also builds a bridge to the second reason.

The second reason is that it is too expensive for The Red Lobster to open a restaurant in Europe, especially when you can only open two or three locations.

The third and last reason is that the Dutch culture attach a high value to choice and diversity in restaurants. Therefore it is not recommendable to open restaurants in The Netherlands.

* for reading comfort, the conclusion is shown in the 5p model lay-out.